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About the spread of the LEARNINGMETHODSwork

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David Gorman has been developing the LearningMethods work since 1995 from a background of some 40 years of research and discovery about our human structure and function, and over 34 years of clinical practice and teaching.

Mr. Gorman has developed a rigorous program to train new LearningMethods Teachers, and there are now a growing number of licensed LearningMethods Teachers in Europe and North America, as well as many LearningMethods Apprentice-Teachers currently in various stages of training. All LearningMethods Teachers subscribe to a Code of Professional Conduct and are re-licensed and re-assessed in their skills as teachers every two years.

See Teacher List for contact details and Apprentice-Teachers in Europe and USA


Interest in the work from the Performance Community

Many of the teachers or apprentice-teachers are professional performers or music/drama/movement teachers and the work has become increasingly popular in performance schools and conservatories as well as among artists and performers as a powerful way to solve performance-related problems and enhance practice and performance skills.

Here are some examples of where the LearningMethods work is being or has been taught and presented by various teachers:

The LearningMethods work is being integrated into the Theater Department at the Perpich Center for Arts Education, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA with the theater students receiving year-long courses in performance-related aspects of LearningMethods.

VoiceCare logo

A LearningMethods Teacher is on the core teaching staff of the VoiceCare Network in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

The LearningMethods work has been taught as part of the 3-year certification course in Contemporary Circus at the University College of Dance (Danshögskolan) in Stockholm. This professional training is allied with the famous Cirkus Cirkör.

Taught in the Voice Area of the Music Department of the University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee) for college-level singing teachers and choral conducting teachers and professional singers and conductors 

A LearningMethods teacher is employed on staff at the Royal College of Music (Kungliga Musikhögskolan) in Stockholm where LearningMethods work is taught as a for-credit course as well as being available to students for problem-solving help.

Featured presentation at the Nordic Ergonomics and Music Symposium held at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm

Taught in the Music Department of the Australian National University (Canberra) to the faculty and graduate students

Teaching LearningMethods / Anatomy of Wholeness at the University of Minnesota / Guthrie Theater BFA Actor Training Program in Minnesota, USA

A series of regular ongoing classes were given at the Conservatoire de Théâtre in Avignon, France

For directors and actors at the Prince Edward Island Conservatory in association with the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island in Canada


With members of the Swedish Royal Opera Orchestra, Stockholm

With musicians from the Academy of Music in Malmö, in southern Sweden

With musicians from the Academy of Music in Ingesund, in Sweden

With musicians from the Academy of Music in Örebro, in Sweden

Worked with the singers and instrumental musicians at the Göteborg Opera in Sweden

Series of 1-day seminars sponsored by SAMI (Svenska Artisters och Musikers Intresseorganisation) to introduce LearningMethods to Swedish performing artists.

Worked with actors at the Shaw Festival Theatre in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Regular workshops for the Citadel Theatre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

With actors from the Stratford Shakespearean Festival in Stratford, Ontario

Worked with singers at the Lyrique Opéra de Bastille in Paris

Seminar at AJMI, École de Jazz in Avignon, France


Interest in the work from Business

There is a growing interest in the systematic and self-help approaches of this work from the business community as they look for solutions to the seemingly ever-increasing problems of stress, strain and anxiety, how to improve communication, as well as how to help their employees use themselves better and avoid injury.


LearningMethods a problem-solving and communications tool was part of a 1-year post-graduate International Business Negotiation course at the University of Avignon, France


       Working with employees of a liquor distributing company on how to improve the ways they use
       themselves in movement and in handling heavy weights in their job.


       Working with prisoners in both Swedish and USA prisons on the issues that come up
for them in their daily life and the longer-term issues of how to change for the better.




LearningMethods Apprentice-Teachers

Many of the Apprentice-Teachers are also working in performance schools or performing companies.

ANDRÁS WEBER,  LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher:



Professional concert cellist and recording artist


Member of the string faculty of the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto, Canada and at King's Christian Collegiate in Oakville, ON, Canada

MIRIAM SCHOLZ-CARLSON,  LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher:



Professional violinist and violin teacher

String Methods teacher in the Music Department at St. Olaf College, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

BONNIE Z. BOTTOMS,  LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher:



Actor, Theater director, Theater teacher and performance coach


Head of the Theater Department at The Perpich Center for Arts Education, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

Artistic Director of The Playhouse Theater also in Minneapolis     

NICLAS STUREBERG,  LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher:



Professional juggler and juggling teacher

Teaches at the the 3-year certification course in Contemporary Circus at the University College of Dance (Danshögskolan) in Stockholm, Sweden. This professional training is allied with the famous Cirkus Cirkör

HELLE AXEL-NILSSON,  LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher:



Movement and Ergonomics Teacher

Rhythmics and Movement teacher at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Sweden

DAVID ROBERTSON,  LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher:



Classical Singer and Singing teacher

Vocal tutor at Queen's University Belfast, also at Omagh Academy and several other grammar schools in Northern Ireland

MARION DAY,  LearningMethods Apprentice-Teacher:



Actor and singer

A long-standing company member of the Blyth Festival, Ontario, and has performed in seven seasons at Stratford Festival, Ontario


The "LearningMethods" and "Patterns of Being" names and logos are trademarks of David Gorman,
all other names and logos above are the trademarks of their respective owners.

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